Typography / Final Compilation & Reflection

25 September 2023- 07 December 2023 / (Week 1  - Week 14 )
Hanson Pea Wei Hao / 0359464 
Typography / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Compilation & Reflection



Task 1:  Exercises


Task 1/ Exercise 1: Type Expression
25.09.2023 - 29.10.2023 | Week 1 - Week 5
Fig 1.1, Final Type Expressions (01/10/2023)

Fig 1.2, Final type Expressions (09/10/2023)

Fig 1.3, Final Animation for freeze (15/10/2023)

Task 1/ Exercise: Text Formatting
25.09.2023 - 29.10.2023 | Week 1 - Week 5

  • Head:
        Font: Bembo Std (Regular)
        Type Size: 69pt
        Leading: 72pt
        Paragraph spacing: 11pt

  • Body:
        Font/s: Bembo Std (Regular)
        Type Size/s: 8
        Paragraph spacing: 11pt 
        Characters per line: 45-50
        Alignment: left align

  • Margins:
        mm: top: 40, bottom: 35mm, left: 12.7, right:12.7
        Columns: 3
        Gutter: 5mm

Fig 1.4, Final text format (Jpeg) without grid (21/10/ 2023)

Fig 1.5, Final text format (PDF) without grid (21/10/ 2023)

Fig 1.6, Final text format(Jpeg) with grid (21/10/ 2023)

Fig 1.7, Final text format (PDF) with grid (21/10/ 2023)

Task 2/ Typographic Exploration & Communication
30/10/2023 12/11/2023 | Week 6 - Week 7

Fig 2.1, Final Editor layout (Jpeg without gridline) (6/11/23)

Fig 2.2, Final Editor Layout (PDF without Gridline) (6/11/23)

Fig 2.3, Final Editor layout (Jpeg with Gridline) (6/11/23)

Fig 2.4, Final Editor layout( PDF with Gridline) (6/11/23)

Task 3: Type Design & Communication
13.11.2023- 17.12.2023 | Week 8- 12

fig 3.1, Screengrab for fontslab (08/12/2023)

Fig 3.2, Final type for construction "Scartype" (15/12/2023)

Fig 3.3, Final type for construction "Scartype" (15/12/2023)

Fig 3.4, Final Poster (15/12/2023)

 Fig 3.5, Final poster (15/12/2023)


Long before the class even started, I kept hearing that the lecturer in this class was bad. So I feel like I won't be too interested in this class. But I would like to say I was so wrong, Mr. Vinod was just a bit strict, but he is strict in a good way. He always provides us feedback and ideas no matter in holidays or normal class times to encourage us to improve our work. My experience in this class was very fun and challenging. The typography class made a lot of difference in my life. In the old times, I would like to say a word is a word as long as it can be read. But now, I will slowly observe on fonts I see and think about whether can I create a font more interesting than this?  Overall, I would like to say that the experience I had in done typography class is a bask in my achievement in creating my own fonts. 

Throughout these 14 weeks, I noticed that typography is not just a class, it appears everywhere. In a lot of designs or posters,  the art inside is important but the fonts and words used in the art will make the art more perfect and attractive. I also enjoy looking at other people's artwork for their own fonts, some of them really do some good work and make me feast my eyes.

I found out that during the whole 14 weeks of typography class, I learned a lot of stuff like aligning, kerning, and even creating our own fonts. A little bit of a mistake can make the entire font worse. Studying typography is not as easy as I think, it needs a lot of time to research, study, and have a good sense of design. I very much enjoy having typography and it makes me realize, that I would like to spend time in making a good design.


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