Typography | Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication

 30 October 2023- 10 November 2023 / (Week 6- Week 7)
Hanson Pea Wei Hao / 0359463
Typography/ Bachelor of Design (Hons) in creative media /  Taylor University
Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication



All Online Lecture Note

Week 6:
Summary of class: 
Mr. Vinod asked us to send our task 2 which is the editorial layout to the Facebook group and give us some feedback. After that, we continued our work on the editorial layout.

Week 7:
Summary of class:
After the "Sudden Spot Check" for our E-portfolio, Mr. Vinod asked us to send our task 2 once again which is the editorial layout to the Facebook group and give us some feedback. After that, He had a discussion with us about the deadline for handing in our second E-portfolio. And then he briefs the next Task we gonna do.


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X9PZU0XUsGggEY-cBwEiscEI10cIojVZ/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication

The 2nd task is all about understanding what makes a good layout while making it engaging to readers. We have been given 3 text options for our editorial text which are :

  • The Role Of Bauhaus Thought On Modern Culture
  • A Code To Build On And Live By
  • Unite To Visualise A Better World

I have decided to choose the second for my editorial which is Code to Build On and Live By. 


What is Code?
a.: a system of signals or symbols for communication. 
b.: a system of symbols (such as letters or numbers) used to represent assigned and often secret meanings.


Fig 1.1, Inspiration (26/10/23)

Will be thinking about creating the heading based on this picture but replacing all the words behind with 1 and 0 which is the code number. 

Fig 1.2, Layout 1 (28/10/23)

According to the feedback which was given by Mr. Vinod, He says the Code is supposed like smooth and tidy. And the color of the number is too dark causing some distractions. The difference in font size doesn't make meaning at all, can try using the same font size.

So I Recreated and made the number tidy to see and used the same font size for the heading.
Fig 1.3, layout 2 (4/11/23)

Fig 1.4, Layout 3 (4/11/23)

Fig 1.5, Layout 4 (4/11/23)


After the week 7 feedback, I have chosen layout 2 which is Fig 1.3 as my final layout. 

Final without Gridline:

Fig 1.6, Final Editor layout (Jpeg without gridline) (6/11/23)

Fig 1.7, Final Editor Layout (PDF without Gridline) (6/11/23)

Final With Gridline:
Fig 1.8, Final Editor layout (Jpeg with Gridline) (6/11/23)

Fig 1.9, Final Editor layout( PDF with Gridline) (6/11/23)

 Final Detail:
  • Head:
  1. Font/s: Futura Std (Heavy)
  2. Type Size/s: 123 pt (Heading), 24 pt (Subheading)
  3. Leading: 147.6 (Heading), 28.8 pt (Subheading)
  4. Paragraph spacing: 12.5 pt
  5. Alignment: Left Align (Heading and subheading)

  • Body:
  1. Font/s: Futura Std (Book, Heavy Oblique)
  2. Type Size/s: 9 pt (Body text), 9 pt (Lead in text)
  3. Leading: 12 pt (Body text), 12 pt (Lead in text)
  4. Paragraph spacing: 12 pt
  5. Characters per line: 45-55
  6. Alignment: Left Align

  • Margins:
  1. mm: top: 10 mm, bottom: 10 mm, left: 12.7 mm, right: 12.7 mm
  2. Columns: 2 per page, 4 total as a spread
  3. Gutter: 4.233 mm


Week 7:
General Feedback: Always remember to update the feedback.
Specific Feedback: Poor kerning and a bit of distraction for the heading. Try to make the number not that scattered. The difference in font size doesn't make meaning at all, can try using the same font size.

Week 6:
General feedback: Do not create words by beautiful although it is important too, but the importance is the meaning behind it. 
Specific feedback: empty around the title, try to make it full.


This task is very interesting to me because it teaches me so much about how to create a layout. What I learned in this task is that the meaning behind the text is very important, the rules and requirements of the layout of the design, and How to effectively arrange format texts. I think the challenge I faced in this task was that my idea was coming so late, my first idea was quite bad after I heard the feedback. But in the end, I got to solve this problem and get a good idea for it.

During this task, I found out that the process of aligning, arranging, creating the layout, and designing is not only just a sense of idea. It has a lot of knowledge inside and needs to study more and learn more from the professionals.

From this task, I learned that I still can learn more about aligning. the proper alignment is important for creating an effective layout. Additionally, I learned that creating layout designs is complex and challenging. 


Fig 2.1, Typographic Systems by Kimberly Elam

I chose Typographic Systems for my second book in further reading which is one of the recommended books by Mr. Vinod. Its book could become a useful instrument for a better understanding of typography and giving us ideas in design.

This book is written about all designs based on a structured system. These systems of frameworks can be broken down into eight major variations with an infinite variety of compositions within each system. Once essential visual organization systems are understood, the designer can fluidy organize


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