Design Principles | Final Compilation

Hanson Pea Wei Hao / 0359463 / Section 04
Design Principles / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Compilation

Link for my past task:

Task 1: Exploration

Task 3: Design

Final Design

Hanson Pea Wei Hao
"The Priestess who holds the rules"
Task 3

Final Reflection

For the last reflection for this module, I would like to say I really enjoy learning design Principles. From first not knowing much about design and art, slowly learned much about it. Getting to know many different art styles and learning how to do visual analysis is really useful for me. I really like to do Visual analysis for different art styles and learn elements about them. In the past, I didn't understand the beauty of art, I just thought it was beautiful. But now I can clearly see why it is beautiful.

The last about myself, I get to improve myself in my art by analyzing other people's art styles and trying their art style in my own art. and still a bit annoyed about doing blog but I will slowly get to used it.


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