Design Principles | Task 1: Exploration

29 January 2024 - 19 March 2024 / (Week 2 - Week 3)
Hanson Pea Wei Hao / 0359463 / Section 04
Design Principles / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 3: Design

1. Module Booklet for the Module:

2. Recap of Design Principles taught in the module:
  • Gestalt theory
- In a loose translation, the German word ‘Gestalt’ (pronounced “ge-shalt”) means ‘configuration’, or ‘structure’.
-The principles are grounded on the human natural tendency of finding order in disorder – a process that happens in the brain, not in the sensory organs such as the eye.

Fig 1.1, Gestalt theory 

  • Emphasis
-creates a focal point, which grabs an audience’s attention.
-It’s where you want the viewer to look first, but doesn’t overpower the rest of the design (or it would be out of balance)

Fig 1.2, emphasis
  • Balance
-Balance in design covers how elements are weighted against each other on different sides of a design to create cohesiveness, completion, and satisfaction

Fig 1.3, Balance

There are two other balances which are symmetrical balance and Asymmetrical balance.

a. Symmetrical balance:
-the work of art is the same on one side as the other, a mirror image of itself, on both sides of a center line. 

b. Asymmetrical balance: 
-the two halves of the work of art are different, however, try to create balance.

Fig 1.4, Symmetric and Asymmetrical balance

  • Repetition
- repetition means reusing elements — colors, patterns, fonts, images, textures and more

fig 1.5, an example of repetition

  • Harmony & Unity
- Unity in design occurs when the elements in a space work together in such a way that the resulting look is balanced and harmonious.

Fig 1.6, an example of harmony and unity

a. Harmony
-Harmony is the visually satisfying effect of combining similar or related elements.
-All harmony and no contrast, however, can become monotonous, A balance must be struck between areas of harmony and areas of contrast.

Fig 1.7, harmony

b. Unity
-Unity is all about creating harmony in your designs. It involves using harmonious colors, shapes, and textures, balancing positive and negative space, and playing with repetition, proximity, and alignment.

Fig 1.8, Unity

  • Symbol
-The word symbolic means “serving as a visible sign of something abstract or intangible.” 
-symbols are often used to communicate ideas or messages that go beyond the literal meaning of the objects being represented.

Fig 1.9, Symbol

  • Word and Image
-Typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader
- Typeface and strategic positioning of the type will result in visual hierarchy and balance in a work of design.

-Image are important aspects of design whether it be in digital or physical form. 
-viewers to be able to relate to a concept or a brand more easy based on image.

Fig 1.10, Combination art of words and image

3. I have Select gender equality as the UNSDG goal

Fig 1.11, Digital illustration, gender equality

Title of art/design work: Digital illustration, gender equality
artist’s/designer’s name: Delta Pml
year: 2023
medium: Digital artwork
source link: 

5. Why am I choosing this artwork? (Explain in 100-150 words)

The art is giving me the feeling of gender equality. The design is related to gender equality in which there is a person like a judge holding a scale balanced on both sides at once which means It goes beyond ensuring equal rights. it's about dismantling ingrained biases that perpetuate discrimination. There are many symbols like male and female inside the “judge” meaning the judge is like the community. And the community should accept gender equality. It's not just a women's issue, it's a societal imperative. By embracing diversity, fostering equal opportunities, and challenging harmful norms, we create a world where everyone, regardless of gender, can reach their full potential.

  • Balance
  • Repetition
  • Symbol
  • Harmony and unity
  • Emphasis

Week 1:-

Week 2: doing great, just need to expand the idea of the artwork you choose by yourself because there are no artist words.

Week 3: great after you did the further reading you can submit.


The first task is fun finding other artists' artwork or designs and getting to know much about UNSDG. Other than that, it's quite interesting to learn design principles. After the study and research, we need to do a blog. For me, it's quite boring, I feel like doing paperwork.

Further Reading

1.  Article: The Principles of Design and Important

    In this article, I learn more idea about design principles. As the article mentions there are roughly a dozen basic principles of design that beginning and expert designer alike should keep in mind when working on their projects. In addition, there are another dozen or so “secondary” design principles that are sometimes included as basics (for example, typography, color, and framing). The main design principles are explained and illustrated below.

    Other principles of design are also touched upon in various articles on the subject. These include typography, color, Gestalt Principles, grid and alignment, framing, and shape. Some definitely fit the definition of “principles” while others are more like elements of design.

    Typography refers to the way text is arranged in a design. That includes the fonts used, their spacing, size, and weight, and the way different text elements relate to each other. good typography design is heavily influenced by all of the other design principles mentioned earlier in this article.

    The use of color in design is one of the most psychologically important parts of a design and has a huge influence on user experience. color psychology and theory heavily influence some of the other principles mentioned earlier.


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