Advanced Typographic | Task 3: Type Exploration and Application

17.06.2024 - .07.2024 || Week 09 - Week xx
Hanson Pea Wei Hao || 0359463
Advanced Typography || Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media || Taylor's University
Task 3: Type Exploration and Application 



All the lectures are in Task 1: Exercise


In this task,



Week 9:
General Feedback: Choose one Start creating the fonts, and remember to update the blog. 
Specific Feedback: 
For Idea 1(Pixel Fonts): Idea approved, you can go with one for your old work but you need to make a baseline while making pixel words. Other than that, there are a lot of people making pixel words, so you need to try how to make your pixel words outstanding. 

For Idea 2(Triangle Fonts): Idea approved, You can try lots of combinations for this, but be careful, look at the example you provided for me, The letter O is getting distracted need to be careful while making this type of font. 

For Idea 3(Rhythm Fonts): The idea is approved but you need to show me some things if you want to continue this idea Because the rough sketch you provided me can even see is just very bad.

Week 10:
General Feedback:
Specific Feedback:

Week 11:
General Feedback:
Specific Feedback:





Further Readings


"Type Matters!" Book by Jim Williams is a book of tips for everyday use, for all users of typography, from students and professionals to anyone who does any layout design on a computer. The book is arranged into three chapters: an introduction to the basics of typography; headline and display type; and setting text.

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Basics of Typography
This chapter lays the foundation by explaining the fundamental principles of typography. It covers essential terminology and concepts such as kerning, leading, ligatures, and hanging punctuation. The aim is to make readers comfortable with the basic elements that influence the appearance and readability of text.

Chapter 2: Headline and Display Type
The second chapter focuses on the use of type in headlines and display settings. It explores how to choose and apply different typefaces for maximum impact in larger text settings, such as titles and advertising. This chapter provides practical tips for making bold typographic choices that capture attention while maintaining readability and aesthetic appeal.

Chapter 3: Setting Text

The final chapter deals with the intricacies of setting body text. It addresses issues such as line spacing, alignment, and the treatment of numbers within text blocks. Practical examples illustrate what constitutes good typography and highlight common mistakes to avoid. This chapter helps readers fine-tune their typographic skills to produce polished and professional documents.

The book also includes various sections within each chapter that delve into specific typographic problems and principles, providing a detailed and actionable guide for anyone working with text on a computer​


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