Advanced Typography | Task 2: Key Artwork and Collateral

22.04.2024 - 12.05.2024 || Week 1 - Week 3
Hanson Pea Wei Hao || 0359463
Advanced Typography || Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media || Taylor's University
Task 1: Typographic Systems & Type, & Play



All the lectures are in Task 1: Exercise


Part 1: Key Artwork

Part 2: Key Collateral

Final Key Artwork and Key Collateral

Task 2(A)
  • Black wordmark on white background
  • White wordmark on black background
  • Colour palette
  • Wordmark in actual colors on lightest shade of color palette
  • Wordmark in the lightest shade of color palette on the darkest shade of color palette
  • wordmark animation

  • Task 2(B)
  • Collateral 1, 2, 3
  • Instagram link
  • IG screen grab with good resolution

  • Feedbacks

    Week 5 
    Specific Feedback: Most of the ideas are interesting. Quite like the pixel words, but if need to use it need more exploration about I, because for now, it looks so common. The balloon design is also good but needs to improve a bit.

    Week 6 
    Specific Feedback: the letterform is acceptable. Just need to remove the hat and make the stuff inside the letterform more thicker a bit. the color choice is not gonna work, need to redo it.

    Week 7: 
    Specific Feedback: The color choice for the Instagram picture is not approved and the picture should be taken in front of the white wall from the design classroom.

    Week 8:
    Specific Feedback: The Colour Looks like is not workable, try to redo and the picture should take from the white wall outside the studio.





    Further Readings

    Figxx, Just My type

    "Just My Type" by Simon Garfield is a fascinating exploration of typography, delving into the history, significance, and impact of different fonts and typefaces in our daily lives. Garfield approaches the subject with a mix of historical anecdotes, personal stories, and technical insights, making the book accessible and engaging for both typophiles and casual readers.

    Garfield begins by emphasizing how fonts are all around us, often going unnoticed. From road signs to websites, the choice of typeface affects our perception and interaction with the world. he also discusses how different fonts can evoke various emotions and responses. For example, a font can be seen as trustworthy, playful, serious, or informal, influencing how the message is received. Garfield touches on how brands carefully select typefaces to convey their identity and values. This selection is crucial for creating a recognizable and consistent brand image.

    To illustrate the significance of typography, Garfield includes anecdotes and historical examples. These stories serve to engage the reader and underscore the deep-rooted history and evolution of typefaces. introduces some of the themes that will be explored in more detail throughout the book, such as the development of specific fonts, the stories of their creators, and the technical aspects of typography.


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