Advanced Interactive Design | Task 1: Thematic Interactive Website Proposal

24.09.2024 - 20.10.2024 || Week 01 - Week 04
Hanson Pea Wei Hao || 0359463
Advanced Interactive Design || Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media || Taylor's University
Task 1: Thematic Interactive Website Proposal



Thematic Interactive Website Proposal for Brand Engagement. A thematic interactive website is a website that focuses on a specific theme or concept with the aim of incorporating interactive elements to interact with users. Most such websites utilize multimedia such as videos, animations, interactive graphics displayed on the page, or other clickable elements which have interactive components that provoke the user. This dynamic experience is meant to keep the user interested in addition to the thematic concept. Themes in such websites vary from educational, cultural, promotional campaigns to product launch. For example, a thematic interactive site could be a museum. Users can go through a virtual exhibition space through interactive tours, games simulation, or questionnaires. In the event that it is a movie, the site can simulate movie universes offering virtual tours through time and space, or any other subject previously created in the movie. The aim of any such site is to keep the user engaged in the medium through interactive exploration.

Students are required to create a thematic interactive website proposal with the topic of their choice that can be based on:
1.     A specific product of a particular brand launch/special (i.e.: Nike brand new shoe), Beauty product launch (i.e.: Sephora compact powder,
2.     Movie promotion
3.     Game release promotion.
4.     Gallery/Museum exhibit launch
5.     Band/Artist latest release.

Or anything else you have in mind (subject to the module coordinator’s

1.     Completed UI/UX proposal document.
2.     All processes (concept, wireframes, mood board, flow chart)

We were tasked with developing few potential ideas for our final project, along with relevant visual and website references. The concepts I selected were Puma X monster hunter series and Seiko X monster hunter series. Among these option, I am more into Puma X monster hunter series.

Here is the Proposal Link to Google slide.
Fig 1.1 Proposal Ideas (Figma) | Week 03 (08/10/24)

After presenting my ideas to Mr. Shamsul for feedback, he suggested me that more focus on the shoes, and no need to make so much complicated stuff, just try to make it easy for this semester. 

After that, I start progress in Wireframe.
Here is the link to Figma:

After presenting my Wireframe to Mr. Shamsul for feedback, he mention that my wireframe is a bit too rough, some provide good layout, but hope can show more detail like mention what these colour for and use text to mention what is this box for. Some of the idea is sound too complicated and I shall know is these idea gonna work or not after next week class. but overall should be good for now.


Week 3:
Specific Feedback: Both ideas can be work, but I would suggest more on the shoes. Lots of  Reference provided is good. study more on reference and all should be good and can start your wireframe.

Week 4: 
Specific Feedback: Wireframe is a bit too rough, i hope can get more detail on it. some provide good layout, but hope can show more detail like mention what these colour for and use text to mention what is this box for. Some of the idea is sound too complicated


For this few week of experience, I gain more idea to know what is a thematic website and how to make website become more effectiveness. Exploring in different existing thematic website and other very creative website is get to help me think better in my website. Other than that, i also start to learn about how to use adobe animate, i would like to say this is a challenge for me, I will definitely take a lots of time to practice and fully understand about it .


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