Video & Sound Production | Project 2

20.05.2024 - 30.06.2024 || Week 5 - Week 10
Hanson Pea Wei Hao || 0359463
Video & Sound Production || Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media || Taylor's University
Project 2



All the lectures will be at Exercise


Project 2 | Exercise 1: Color Grading (Production Shoot)

In this exercise, we need to shoot 7 scenes from the movie "Everything Everywhere All At Once". We have been set into groups by Mr. Martin and each group has two guys and 8 girls which makes it very balanced.

before we started our shooting days, our group planned out the different props, costumes, and makeup that we had that would be able to be used for the video shoot.

Fig 1.1, Shooting Plan (30.05.2024)

After the shooting, I start editing the video and color correction.
Fig 1.2, Video editing(07.06.2024)

Fig 1.2, Audio Editing(07.06.2024)

Fig 1.3, Colour Correction(09.06.2024)

Final Outcome:

Fig 1.4, Original Video(07.06.2024)

Fig1.5, Colour Correction Version(09.06.2024)

Project 2 | Exercise 2: TikTok/ Instagram Video

In this exercise, we needed to shoot a vertical Instagram/TikTok video. We needed to take inspiration from current trending reels and then incorporate our own creative ideas into it. Then, we needed to shoot the video according to the proposal.

Proposal :
For my idea, I decided to take the topic of my very weird sleeping schedule and make me have a different kind of personality between these two versions of me.

Final Outcome

Fig 2.1, Final TikTok/Instagram video(28.06.2024)


    The Progress in the recording is very fun, I think the only stuff I don't really like is I am the assistant director. Never know that assistant directors have so many responsibilities to work on. The most challenging part was the timing, I needed to rush them to do the work, but it did not really work because we all hoped for a good and perfect video. After the video shooting, the editing for the video is pretty fun, We not only edit the original video provided, but we also need to make it to a trailer and try out different color corrections.

    When it comes to Second task which was shooting about TikTok video, really surprised me.  always like to watch Instagram reels and laugh in them or feel the 'reals'. When I am in these reels, I feel brain-dead and have no idea what to do. But the process of making the video is pretty fun, it just teaches me how the plans is to control the timing to 1 minute straight.


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