Video & Sound Production | Project 1: Audio Dubbing

29.04.2024 - 17 May 2024 || Week 01 - Week 04
Hanson Pea Wei Hao || 0359463
Video & Sound Production || Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media || Taylor's University
Project 1



Exercise 1: Audio Dubbing

For this task, we must sync the required audio in Premiere Pro (Important note: just input speech and sound effects only, no music) for a scene from a provided scene from the film "Everything Everywhere All at Once".

First of all, we need to watch the mute video and do a spreadsheet in groups to write down all the details sound effect and ambient sound that will happen in the video. 

Fig 1.1, Muted Video| (17.05.2024)

Then we group up and do the spreadsheet:
Fig 1.2, Spreadsheet for scene(Group) | (17.05.2024)

After that, I prepare sound effects and dub all the dialogue before we start the edit.
For all the sound effects, I find from Freesound and YouTube.

Fig 1.3, Dialogue record| (17.05.2024)

Fig 1.4, Sound effect| (17.05.2024)

After everything is done and prepare, I start doing the editing:

Fig 1.5, Process of video editing| (18.05.2024)

After doing all of the timelines, I need to use Pitch Shifter to change my voice for 2 female characters to high pitch to sound like a woman. 
Pitch Shifter: This is an audio effects processor that modifies the pitch of an audio signal without modifying its duration

Fig 1.6, Process of doing Pitch Shifter| (18.05.2024)

Final Product 

Fig 1.7, Audio Breakdown Spreadsheet| (18.05.2024)

Fig 1.8, Final Audio Dubbing(Youtube)| (18.05.2024)


For the full experience of editing a clip from voice, sound effects are pretty fun. this task made me learn more about Adobe Premiere Pro and its functions like changing my voice pitch to become more high pinch. The voice acting part is also fun but I don't really like to listen to my own voice during editing.


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