Illustration and Visual Narrative | Task 1: vormator

27 September 2023 - 1 November 2023 / Week 1- Week 6
Hanson Pea Wei Hao/ 0359463
Illustration and Visual Narrative/ Bachelor of Design in Creative Media/ Taylor's University 
Task 1: exercise 1(Vormator challenge)


1. Lectures

2. Instructions

3. Tutorials

4. Reflections


Week 1: Character Design

Week 2: Chiaroscuro


Tutorial 1: The Pen Tool

In this class, we used to learn how to practice the infamous pen tool in The Bézier Game. This is quite an interesting game to improve our ability to draw straight lines and curved lines in Pen tools. And our main goal for today is to do the car shape in The Bézier Game.

Fig1.1, Car Shape

Tutorial 2: Light and Dark

For this week, we learned how to form shadows. We learned this by using some of the tools which are Pathfinder, Shape Builder, and Knife tools. After learning how to use these tools, we were asked to trace a pear and create a shadow on it. 

Fig 2.1, pen tool for tracing pear and its shadow

  • Tracing The outline and then tracing the shadow with pen tools, By using Pathfinder(Divide) can divide the shapes you have selected among their intersecting lines. 

Fig 2.2, Cutting process for pear
  • Using the knife tool can slice the object into different parts. If the object is combined with pathfinder( Divided), can be selected by double clicking and dragging to select the part you want to separate
  • And then adding the cutting part with pen tools

Fig 2.3, Tracing skull with pear
  • By using the way of Pathfinder(unite) can join the objects in a single element or shape.
Fig 2.4, Final Compilation for pear

Tutorial 3: Blending Modes and Clipping Path


<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Task 1| Exercise 1: Vormator Challenge

In this exercise, we gonna create our own character by the shape provided.
There are a few rules that need to be followed:
  •  Allowed to rotate, flip, and duplicate the Elements.
  •  Scaling is allowed, but proportionally, so skewing or free transform. 
  •  Allowed add, subtract, intersect, and group elements as you see fit.
  •  The use of color is unrestricted; you can create your own color schemes ( Adobe Color)
  • Allowed to use gradients.
  • The Elements may be filled, the use of strokes is allowed.  
  • Allowed to use filters or effects (e.g. drop shadows

Fig 5.1, Tracing of the Vormator's shapes

Character Silhouette:

Fig 5.2, Character create

Design for Pokemon Card:
Fig 5.3, background Design

  • Character: Using the same concept of the draft just different colors. Just the role of character from happy ghost change to, a weapon master with wind ability.
  • Color selection: Expect creating with silhouette form, Fill with a little bit of blue, brown, yellow, and black.
  • Weapon choice, a creation of straw will be creating the feeling of a master hermit. and the book on hand shows up using the magic ability. the different colours of sword creation is to show up the normal wind blade and the enchance wind blade.
Fig 5.4, Final Pokemon card 



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